Kinesiology Program Outline (2023-24 & Prior)

Please note that this program outline is only applicable to students who are under catalog year 2023-24 and prior.

University Core Requirements

Year 1: Understanding & Creating

ENGL 101 Writing (fulfills 3 Cr. Writing Enriched) *

PHIL 101 Reasoning

First Year Seminar
___________ 193

Communications & Speech
COMM 101
MATH ___________ (must be above Math 100)
Scientific Inquiry (2 Cr. + 1 Cr. Lab)
BIOL or CHEM or PHYS 104/104L
Year 2: Being & Becoming
Christianity & Catholic Traditions
RELI ___________ (see approved list) *
Philosophy of Human Nature
PHIL 201 Philosophy of Human Nature
Year 3: Caring & Doing

World/Comparative Religion
RELI ___________ (see approved list) (may fulfill 3 Cr. Global Studies)
PHIL 301 Ethics or RELI 330 Principles-Christian Morality
Year 4: Imagining the Possible
Care Integration Seminar
___________ 432
NOTE: Some courses have prerequisites. Check the catalog carefully!

Broadening Courses - See approved list *

Social & Behavioral Science
Literature 3
History 3
Fine Arts & Design 3

Required Course Designations - See approved list *

Writing Enriched 9 Total
Social Justice 3 Total
Global Studies 6 Total

*Please see your advisor for eligible courses


B.Ed. Kinesiology

Course Title Credits

Semester Offered

EDPE 189 Exercise Technique

1 F
EDPE 190 Intro to Kinesiology & Sport Management (WE) 3 F/S
EDPE 222 Health & Wellness 3 F/S
EDPE 224 Exercise & Sport Nutrition 3 S
EDPE 276/276L Anatomy and Physiology for Kinesiology I
Anatomy and Physiology for Kinesiology I Lab
4 F
EDPE 277/277L Anatomy and Physiology for Kinesiology II
Anatomy and Physiology for Kinesiology II Lab PRQ: EDPE 276/276L
4 S
EDPE 310 Motor Development & Learning 3 F
EDPE 311 Exercise & Sport Instructional Methods PRQ: EDPE 189 & EDPE 310 3 S
EDPE 340 Exercise & Sport Psychology (WE) PRQ: EDPE 190, EDPE 222 3 F
EDPE 377/377L Physiology of Exercise/Physiology of Exercise Lab PRQ: EDPE 277/277L 4 F
EDPE 378 Structural Kinesiology PRQ: EDPE 277/277L 3 F
EDPE 450 Principles of Strength & Conditioning PRQ: EDPE 311 & EDPE 377/377L 3 S
EDPE 496-497 Practicum or Field Experience** 3 F/S
EDPE 499 Comprehensive Exam 0 F/S
** Non-certification students take EDPE 496A-C
Certification students take courses EDPE 497A-D


Teacher Certification Requirements

If a student is pursuing a second endorsement, there will be additional content & education courses required- Check with your advisor before enrolling.
 Students must apply to enter Teacher Certification Program after taking EDTE 241
Course Title Credits

Semester Offered

EDTE 101 Social Cultural Foundations of Education (SJ)

3 F/S
EDSE 150 Psychology of the Exceptional Child (SBS) 3 F/S
EDTE 201 Learning Theories & Epistemologies (FYS) PRQ or CORQ: EDTE 101 3 F/S
EDTE 241 Teaching in Middle School PRQ: EDTE 101 & 201 3 F/S
EDTE 315 Classroom Assessment PRQ: EDTE 241 & EDPE 311, CORQ: EDTE 418 3 S
EDPE 417 Abuse Prevention PRQ: EDTE 241 1 F/S
EDTE 418 Discipline Specific Literacy PRQ: EDTE 241 & EDPE 311, CORQ: EDTE 315 3 S
EDSE 450 Special Education Seminar PRQ: All EDTE courses, CORQ: EDPE 495 1 S
EDTE 460S Secondary Classroom Mgmt & Comm PRQ: EDTE 241 3 F
EDTE 900 Pacific Northwest History/ STI 1
EDPE 494 Student Teaching Seminar PRQ: All EDTE & EDPE courses 1 F/S
EDPE 495 Student Teaching PRQ: All EDTE & EDPE courses 12 F/S


Fitness Specialist Concentration

Students pursuing a Fitness Specialist Concentration will complete all the requirements for the KIN B.Ed. as well as the following courses:
Course Title Credits

Semester Offered

EDPE 202A Health & Fitness Club Management

3 F/S
EDPE 465 Special Populations & Exercise PRQ: EDPE 377/377L 3 F
EDPE 477/477L Exercise Testing/Exercise Testing Lab PRQ: EDPE 377/377L 4 S
EDPE 480 Exercise Prescription PRQ: EDPE 477/477L 3 S
EDPE 481 Fitness Specialist Capstone Seminar 1 S


Health and Physical Education Pedagogy Concentration

Students pursuing a HPEP Concentration will complete all the requirements for the KIN B.Ed. as well as the following courses:
Course Title Credits

Semester Offered

EDPE 312 Health Methods for Diverse Populations (GS) PRQ: EDPE 222 CORQ: EDPE 497C

3 Fall Even
EDPE 313 Elementary Physical Education Methods PRQ/CORQ: EDPE 311 & CORQ: EDPE 497A 3 Spring Odd
EDPE 314 Secondary Physical Education Methods PRQ/CORQ: EDPE 311 & CORQ: EDPE 497B 3 Spring Even
EDPE 315 Adapted Physical Education & Sport PRQ/CORQ: EDPE 310 & CORQ: EDPE 497D 3 Fall Odd
EDPE 497A Field Experience in Elementary Physical Education CORQ: EDPE 313 1 Spring Odd
EDPE 497B Field Experience in Secondary Physical Education CORQ: EDPE 314  1 Spring Even
EDPE 497C Field Experience in Health Education CORQ: EDPE 312
1 Fall Even
EDPE 497D Field Experience in Adapted Physical Education CORQ: EDPE 315
1 Fall Odd
**3 credits of EDPE 497 field experience counts towards KIN degree

PRQ: Course Prerequisite
CORQ: Course Co-requisite
SBS: Social & Behavioral Science Core Designation
WE: Writing Enriched Designation
GS: Global Studies Designation
SJ: Social Justice Designation
FYS: First Year Seminar Designation