Advisory Board

The T&D Industry Advisory Board (T&D-IAB) is comprised of engineering leaders from industry, government agencies, and private consulting firms. Current membership represents power utilities (large and small), engineering consulting companies, research entities, and power-related manufacturers.

The T&D-IAB provides external counsel on the T&D program’s teaching and mission, and assists in promoting the program to potential students, employers, legislative leaders, government agencies and industry.

The T&D-IAB meets in formal session semiannually. .

Current IAB Board Members

Name Company
Kevin Damron Avista
Karen Doherty WSP
Sean Grier Deriva Energy
Matt Hales Commonwealth Associates
Max Hernandez-Brito Grant County PUD
Jim Ogle Pacific Northwest National Lab
Amber Orr Ion Engineering
Doug Taylor Schweitzer Engineering labs
James Wong Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
Questions? Call or text Catie Peissig in Graduate Admissions at (509) 313-4370.