Positive Emotion and Social Behavior Lab Publications

  • Bartlett, M.Y. & Arpin, S.N. (2019). Gratitude and loneliness: Enhancing health and well-being in older adults. Research on Aging.
  • Bartlett, M.Y., Valdesolo, P. & Arpin, S.N. (2019). The paradox of power: The relationship between gratitude and self-esteem. The Journal of Social Psychology.
  • Williams, L.A. & Bartlett, M.Y. (2014). Warm thanks: Gratitude expression facilitates social affiliation in new relationships via perceived warmth. Emotion, 15, 1-5.
  • Bartlett, M.Y., Condon, P., Cruz, J., Baumann, J. & DeSteno, D. (2012). Gratitude: Prompting behaviors that build relationships. Cognition and Emotion, 26, 2-13.
  • DeSteno, D., Bartlett, M.Y., Baumann,J., Williams, L.A., & Dickens, L. (2010). Gratitude as moral sentiment: Emotion-guided cooperation in economic exchange. Emotion, 10, 289-293.
  • Bartlett, M.Y. & DeSteno, D. (2006). Gratitude and prosocial behavior: Helping when it costs you. Psychological Science, 17, 319-325.

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