Full-time undergraduates taking 12 -18 credits are charged a flat rate. Undergraduates who drop classes* but still remain full-time students receive no tuition adjustment. Students, including main campus graduate level students, who are charged by the credit hour may be eligible for tuition adjustments for dropped courses.
Please note: Dropping is different than withdrawing.
Dropping courses is undertaken through the end of the add/drop period and through the Friday of the second week of classes (for 16 week courses - check the University’s Academic Calendar for full semester dates and deadlines).
Withdrawing from courses takes place after the add/drop period ends with a Course Withdrawal form required for undergraduate students. The form is available on the Registrar Office . When a student withdraws from a course, a "W" grade is assigned for the course but the withdrawal grade does not negatively impact the GPA.
Course/lab fees are only refundable during the 100% adjustment period.
*Please remember that for financial aid purposes, a full-time undergraduate student must be registered for 12+ credit hours. Financial aid awards may be adjusted if you drop below 12 credits.