Membership Structure

The Council has five standing committees and the ability to call temporary work groups.
  • Committee on Student Support
  • Committee on Staff Support
  • Committee on Faculty and Curriculum Support
  • Committee on Administrative Leadership
  • Committee on Philosophy, Mission and Campus Climate

Council membership is comprised of 29 voting and 2 non-voting members from the following representation:

  • Two faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences
  • One member from the Faculty Senate
  • Two members from the Staff Assembly
  • GSBA President or a designee
  • One member from the Student Athletic Advisory Council
  • Four undergraduate students with representation from multi-cultural student groups
  • Two graduate students – one from the Graduate Student Council and one from the Student Bar Association
  • One member from the Athletics Department
  • One member from the Office of the Academic Vice President
  • One faculty member each from: the School of Education; the School of Leadership Studies; the School of Law; the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; the School of Business; the School of Nursing and Human Physiology; the Foley Library
  • One staff member each from Admission; University Advancement; Finance and Budget; Student Development; the Center for Global Engagement; the Center for Student Academic Success; and the Office of Mission and Ministry
  • 2 non-voting members being the Co-Chairs in an ex-officio capacity as identified by the following positions: Chief Diversity Officer and the Assistant Director of HR for Equity & Inclusion.

Contact the Council on Equity, Inclusion and Intercultural Awareness

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502 E. Boone Ave
Spokane, WA 99258
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